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You probably have heard that the wedding is the brides show because it isn’t uncommon for the bride to do most of the planning. It is shocking when you hear of a groom wanting to get involved with the wedding planning.

Since the wedding is for both the groom and the bride, it is only right that he has a part of the planning. If, like most men, you may think that you really don’t care about flowers or color schemes. This may be true, but there are ways that you can get involved that don’t mean dealing with all the intricate details.

Here is your groom’s guide to wedding planning so that you can be involved.

1.   Pick the music for the reception


Guys, here is something you will actually enjoy doing. Keeping in mind the taste of the bride and others who will be attending the wedding, pick the music. It is an important element to any gathering, and you can really make an impact here. If you are going with a DJ, go through the music list. If you are choosing a band, check them out. Be sure to keep a list of “do not play” so that you don’t end up with the wrong music accidentally. Here is a great article all about choosing the music for the wedding that can help you.

2.   Decide on Your Team

Picking the groomsmen is the job of the groom. You want to have your best buddies there with you on your special day. Your job is to choose who will be the best man, and who the rest of the groomsmen will be. A big part of choosing your team is making sure they are ready for tux fittings; they know where to go and what they can do for you.

3.   Plan the Honeymoon


While your bride-to-be is currently working on the wedding, plan the honeymoon. Make sure she is a part of where you want to go and certain sites she wants to see, then you can book the travel arrangements, hotel, and excursions. You can take care of all of this without having to have her be a part of it. If you are still undecided on honeymoon spots, here is an article that has some great suggestions, choose one.

4.   Have an Opinion on the Wedding Registry

Here is one place you want to have an equal say as your bride. Otherwise, you may end up with colors you don’t like. You and your bride should make the decisions on the registry together. Consider choosing an online registry so that out-of-town guests or those who can’t make it still have the opportunity to send you a gift.

5.   Pick Groomsmen Gifts

There are a lot of great options when it comes to choosing your groomsmen gifts. You want to be sure that you are getting something meaningful to both you and them. You can pick sports-themed, superheroes or even alcohol-themed gifts. There are many great articles like this one and online websites that can help you find the right groomsmen gifts. If you like the idea of going more classic and personalized, there is a good website that offers these gifts.

6.   Write your Wedding Vows

Add a personal touch to your wedding by forfeiting the traditional wedding vows and writing your own. Here is a great chance for you to shine on your wedding day. You can express to your bride what she means to you and what her marrying you means to you. It is a great time to get all sappy and sentimental. You can add a bit of humor to your vows or have them be completely serious. You have limitless options on what you can write when it comes to your vows. Tell her what she means to you in your own words instead of someone else’s.

7.   Reception Menu

You won’t be able to plan the menu 100% yourself, but you should definitely be a part of it. You know your family and guests probably better than she does, so your input is needed here. You don’t want anyone leaving your wedding hungry or dissatisfied with the food that was served. Make sure to pick foods that are going to make the majority of your guests happy. You can’t please everyone, but you want to please as many as you can. Go here and check out how to pick a crowd-pleasing menu.

8.   Get Her a Wedding Gift


On your wedding day, before she walks down the aisle, have a gift for her to open. You can pick something that is truly magnificent here and make her day. Make this gift something truly personal. As she is stressing about her dress, makeup and hair, be her relief with this simple and loving gesture. You can find some great gift ideas by going here and checking out what are some great gifts grooms give their brides.

9.   Follow the 80/20 Rule

Planning a wedding may not be your idea of fun, but it is important as it is your wedding too. To help ease your bride’s frustrations, follow the 80/20 rule to wedding planning. Make at least 20 percent of the decisions, and let her have the other 80 percent. By following this rule, you are involved and you are relieving her stress just enough to keep her going.

Your wedding day is about both of you declaring publically your love for one another; announcing that you promise to be together forever. One of the primary reasons you are being a part of the wedding planning is to prevent your beautiful bride from turning into a bridezilla. You want her to remain calm and not stress out.

By taking heed of this groom’s guide to wedding planning, you are helping to make this day a much more fulfilling day for both you and your bride. However, you do want to steer clear of dealing with the “bridesy stuff. Things you do not want to be involved in are:

  • The wedding invitations
  • Her wedding dress
  • The bridesmaid dresses
  • The flowers
  • The wedding cake (be around for tasting, but she decides)
  • The overall décor

If you want to get some bonus points as a groom-to-be, there are some great things you can do to help her out. You can give her a massage and tell her to take a night off of wedding planning while you help her relax. Practice dancing together for your first dance as husband and wife and make it romantic. Help protect her against well-meaning relatives who may be overwhelming her.

Enjoy your day with your bride by following this Groom’s Guide to Weddings.

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